Dominic Spooner

Founder of Spooner Capital Advisors in Vancouver, BC

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Dominic Spooner’s philanthropic initiatives further exemplify his character and values. The 'Spark Foundation,' co-founded with Abdul Ladha, embodies his commitment to educating the youth on the importance of philanthropy. Additionally, his support for the Canadian Cancer Foundation, the University of British Columbia's athletic programs, and the North Shore Twins baseball Club reflects his dedication to making a positive impact in both the local community and the wider world.

On a personal note, he recently celebrated his 61st birthday and enjoyed a fulfilling life with his spouse of 28 years in Vancouver, BC. Golfing remains a cherished hobby, providing him with relaxation and joy at the Capilano Golf and Country Club and the Bowen Island Golf and Country Club, showcasing his commitment to maintaining a balanced lifestyle.

Spooner's career embodies not only a deep understanding of and accomplishment in investment banking but also a sincere dedication to philanthropy and community service. His journey illustrates that true success encompasses both professional achievements and the ability to positively impact the world, serving as a beacon of inspiration for current and future generations in the finance industry.

  • Education
    • BS Degree at University of British Columbia