Dominique Dunn

Financial Coach in Ontario, Canada

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Hello there WELCOME to may page! My name is Dominique Dunn , I'm very grateful you decided to pop on in and get to know me some more.

So who am I? I’m a Financial Coach, best selling Author, studying Zumba instructor and Mindset mentor living in Oakville Ontario, Canada. I help individuals break barriers that hold them back so that they can live to their truest potential in love, in leadership and in life! One of the biggest ways I do this is by teaching financial literacy, giving financial opportunity and by being the best possible version of myself each and every day.!

At the age of 23 I feel head over heels with buiness where I get to work with several different financial companies. Which where able to teach me concepts about finance, leadership and how to run your own business. Ultimately the things we should have been taught but never learned in school even when they are essential to thrive in everyday life.

If you share my passion in learning more about how money works, passive residual income, personal development, travel, and mindset in addition, If your interested in learning any more about how to achieve financial wealth and leave a legacy, Your in the right spot.!

You can watch my videos with a click on the links below. Follow my journey on Instagram as well as connect further with me on Facebook and patience while I grow my YouTube channel.

Please feel free to message me and tell me a bit about yourself, your passions, your challenges and or any ways your building your financial legacy today! I love to get to know each and every person who crosses my pathway, because it's not who I am that matters. It's how we as individuals work together in a movement to inspire, to grow and to impact the world around us each and every day. So that one day someone can say because they where here I am better.