
The internet makes our lifestyles possible. It enriches every aspect, from commerce to recreation.

But there's a problem — unless you know how to code, or choose to work within someone else's template, there is no easy way to take advantage of everything the web has offer. Think of how difficult it is to just create and publish original content and sites. Not only that, there's often pressure to choose between interface you enjoy, communities that you value, and functionality or content that you need, simply because web apps and sites are created for huge audiences... not just for you.

Why can't this amazing resource not only be customized for you, but architected by you? That's what Brick is all about: content creation and customization at your fingertips.

Brick is a tablet-optimized web framework, presented in intuituve, app-style format, that not only gives you an easy way to create, but aggregate, share, host, colaborate on, and even publish web content.

The internet is awesome. We can't wait to show you.

- beta coming soon -