Aaron Blakely

I'm 17 years old, from Memphis. Currently in high school and unsure about what I want to study in college. I work on many projects which range from web design to OS development to IRC related projects. I own the Ephasic developers network and are staff at AlphaChat. I have many open source projects and some closed source. I typically have more projects than I can keep up with and will randomly switch between them. Most of them all somehow tie back to my intrests in technology. I'm not much of a gamer but I do have tons of retro video game consoles. I also have an intrest in hacking some of these consoles and running my own code on them and see what I can manage to do with them. I love diversity and being different and offten don't care what others think of me. I always put tons of effort into my projects and intrests and will learn as much as I can about something that I am intrested in.

I'm inspired by Steve Jobs, Kurt Cobain, Johnny Long, Jason Scott and many other people. One of my favorite quotes is "Because the people who think they are crazy enough to think they can change the world are the ones who do." I want to change the world with my work and maybe someday I will.

I have been intrested in computers since a very young age and have been programming since I was about 11. I love using Linux and Mac OS X. I also sometimes like using Windows, but those are rare moments. I also have intrests in music and play guitar and bass guitar. I love Green Day, Nirvana, Led Zeppelin, Pink Floyd, etc.