Devin P. Gaughan

Vancouver, Washington

My interest in the interactions and communication methods of worldly cultures began more than a decade ago. Initially I was intrigued most by North African and East Asian cultures and my interests quickly spread to become a desire to experience everything there is to experience in as many cultures on our diverse planet as possible.

I started my exploration into world languages as a child, learning the various native tongues of my neighbors and friends. Without some of the closest people around me, my passion for learning about the people of the world would have never matured into what it is today. Because of this passion, I sought to found a company dedicated to bridging the gaps in communication presented by language barriers.

Today we are making progress in studying commonalities between languages to create better communication methods between languages and cultures through learning as well as hardware and software assistance.

We are moving into the future at a rocketing pace! The world has become much smaller in the last few decades thanks for technology. Now our communication methods need to catch up to bring the people of the world closer together. That is why I began my involvement in the Social Media field. I enjoy being a part of a community that brings people together in easier and more innovative ways!

My endeavors into the Social Media field have been met with success in both blogging and original content creation on sites such as Facebook, Google+, Instagram, Twitter, Wordpress, and more. My posts often receive hundreds of likes, shares, +1’s, and comments while some of the personal blogs I author break 60,000 page views. Despite the overwhelming success I have achieved in this field so early in my life, I still strive to improve upon my social media presence and continue to keep in mind how my influence impacts the world.

I am ready to put my talent to work for you. With my marketing skills and social media presence, your brand will get the name recognition it deserves.

  • Work
    • Founder; Silent Spectrum Linguistics
  • Education
    • B.A. Linguistics
    • Portland State University