Erik M. Nelson

Sanford FL


I've spent my whole life dedicated to art in one way or another. Whether it's drawing, painting, music or graphic design.

It all started when I won first prize in my first art show when I was 4 years old. I distictly remember the prize. It was green bird feeder that came with the food and everything. Me and my mother put it up in a tree in our yard and waited for some birds to come to the coolest birdhouse in town. That sense of accomplishment is the greatest feeling I could ever wish for. From there, it became history.

Eventually I made my way onto painting. Now I must admit... I'm not the best painter in the world but I do want to be so much better. I know I can be, it's just a matter a practice. Practice makes perfect. If I had a dime every time I ever heard that.

Music is next in line for my artistic career. I started seriously playing guitar when I was around 16 or 17. From there I met a few friends and we started jamming regularly and eventually winning our high school talent show. Playing Clocks by Coldplay. A cover band primarily, we eventually started making our own music and we even had the opportunity to play at our highschool homecoming and several other gigs. Some great and some we'd rather not talk about.

Now I've made my way to trying to make a career out of this thing called graphic design. Let's see how this goes. I've done my fair share of the freelancer kind of thing, but now I really want to hone my skills and make a name for myself.

Wish me luck!

  • Education
    • SSC