Francisco Martinez

Shift Supervisor in Chicago, Illinois

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I AM TheFranc, a self-directed Communications fellow, observant researcher, systems thinker with a background in Engineering that led me with strong curiosity to self-study human innovations, design and functionality of all things. Inevitably I would later find human history and events to be a timeline of consequences (good/bad) due to advancements in innovation. I understood early on that inventions and creativity, historically, could not be ignored in order to fully understand the evolution of human ingenuity from construction methods, communication methods and education which became critical and contributed to societal growth and advancement.

In my youth, I was entertained by winning at video games which led to a love for visual graphics, calligraphy, monograms, illustrations, art, architecture and interior design. As a motorcycle owner in high school, I naturally developed a strong attraction for elegant design, marvels of engineering and machinery. I began to learn hands-on.

Being the top student in Advanced Geometry in college, I developed exceptional ability in mental visualization which I utilized to reverse-engineer and create 3D parametric solid-models using Autodesk and PTC's Engineering software. This would land me a job at a startup company that designed & built custom automated conveyor machinery for the Printed Circuit Board (PCB) assembly line industry.

While working as a mechanical engineer, I began self study on Science & mechanics of Subatomic Physics & other subjects. After leaving a job as map-maker/cartographer for a GIS firm, I began focused inquiries & mastered the art of "web search" as the internet grew vast in information that led me to philosophy, theology, metaphysics and etymology while keeping abreast of research news from Fermilab National Laboratory about the pursuit of the elusive "Higgs" boson/field aka God-particle, the mechanism theorized to give visible matter, its mass. In developing my own conclusions, I created a drawing of what the Higgs field could actually look like.

My latest discovery using AutoCAD professional drafting software will change and pave the way for further discoveries that make connections & provide better understanding of how geometry is the key to teaching STEM with a more solid foundation of the truth about pi (3.14159...), the ancient constant long acknowledged and which is at the center of modern physics, scientific equations and philosophy.

  • Work
    • Valet and Transportation
  • Education
    • Judson University