Gene Hughes
Gene Hughes
Gene is an agent of change on a mission to bring Transformation to others Personally and Professionally. His passion and purpose in life is to awaken the destiny within the hearts and lives of people from any station in life. Having spent over 20 years studying personal development, He realized this was the best way to use his knowledge for the greater good. A great passion is learning new methods of improvement. A lifelong student, he's striving to continuously grow and expand. It is Gene's purpose to build leaders and teams performing at high levels, creating great incomes so they can build prosperous and fulfilled lives by doing what they love most! Gene is committed to empowering people to create what they want in their lives. His intention is for everyone to live life as it was meant to be. Feel It... Live It... Embrace It...
Cancer is the #2 Killer in the U.S. ~ 1 in 3 Women and 1 in 2 Men will be affected with this disease ~
Have you or someone you know been affected by cancer? What if I told you that there's a Powerful All Natural Product available that has been clinically tested at Wake Forest University Medical Sciences, and it inhibits (((STOPS))) the growth of 7 types of cancer up to 92.6%...
- Brain - 90.2%
- Breast - 92.6%
- Colon - 80.5%
- Lung - 81.8%
- Prostate - 80.4%
- Skin - 60.9
- Leukemia - 74.2%
Discover More Now! Click Here