
Occupied Ireland

Read my blog

Hi my name is GregoryRasputin, or rather that is the name i use on the internet.

I have a huge interest in games and games consoles.

I believe that all consoles should be hacked, not hacked for piracy, but hacked so we can run our own code, after all when we pay such high prices for a console, we should be entitled to run our own code.

I also have a huge passion and love for Palestine, a small country in the Middle East currently occupied by the quite new state of Israel, Palestinians are subject to all manner of abuses at the hand of Israel, from beatings in the street, to false imprisonment of anyone who is Palestinian, including young children, to straight up murder of anyone who happens to be a Palestinian.

Israel is quite fond of murdering young women and children, they get joy from murdering pregnant women.

I live in a town called Coleraine, Co Derry, which is in the British occupied part of Ireland known as "Northern Ireland".

#FreePalestine #UnitedIreland