
Scottsdale, AZ

My name is Nathanael Atkison and I am a Licenced Massage Therapist with a keen interest in Structural Alignment and Integration . If you'd like information on how massage therapy can improve your well being, please READ ON...


Altered structure leads to poor posture, compromises our homeostatic/autonomic* function and causes unnecessary pain and discomfort.

*(Autonomic function controls involuntary functions of the body such as breathing and respiration, heart rate, digestion, perspiration, etc).

The key question is:

  • How can we improve our posture so as to avoid these gruesome pitfalls and withdraw from altered structural alignment?

The short answer is:

  • Nobody can avoid altered structural alignment within their body.

Undeterred by this deplorable permanence, our human race is constantly creating, discovering and redefining many compelling "comebacks" for its many shadowy "shortcomings".

The 5 Paths "comebacks" to Homeostasis:

  • Healthy Nervous System
  • Stress Management
  • Proper Sleep
  • Proper Diet
  • Proper Exercise


  • Receiving regular bodywork is a great place for you to start your journey toward homeostasis as it serves as a perfect guide down the 5 paths "comebacks" to Homeostasis.
  • Witness the creation of an anchor whereupon freedom of body/mind/soul and pain free ease of movenment can become an everyday reality .

Schedule a session with me today and you can be on your way to correcting structural imbalance, improving your posture, increasing athletic performance or rehabing an injury chronic/acute etc. 623.336.1125


  • Work
    • Self Employed Licensed Massage Therapist
  • Education
    • Cortiva Institute of Massage Therapy
    • Anatomy Trains