Imperfect Pearls

My name is Monica Ensign and I am here to rock your world!
I intend to shift your perspective & help you shape your view to see your imperfections as perfection.

My goal isn't to have you share my opinions - it is to have you better understand your own.

I started this company 12 years ago in Southern California. Breast implants were everywhere and I worked for an "enhanced" woman who was both talented and successful. Throughout my employment she had many more procedures, both surgical & not, and I watched the results fuel her insecurities. The reverse effect!
Observing her on a daily basis I realized what an amazing woman she was. Business savvy, gracious under fire, funny, forgiving and kind.
And she had no idea.
She gave the impression of being confident but wasn't. She was so out of tune with herself that she was hiding a 20 year eating disorder and couldn't stop obsessing over her appearance. The more she fed it, the more insecure she became. What a dichotomy!
As an experiment I started making bumper stickers to put up on her way to work (example: Your Worth is Not Measured by Your Measurements). I put them on stop signs, lamp posts, benches, etc.
Would I get her attention? Would she find them reassuring? Offensive? Amusing?
In reality, she never noticed. Or if she did, it was never mentioned.
But that's where she was.

However, it was from there that an idea was born. If she were open to it, I believe I could have had a positive impact on her self-esteem.
What if I applied that to a much larger audience?
What if we were encouraged to not take our appearance so seriously?
What if we were advertised to in a totally different way?
What if the images we had of ourselves and each other were positive?
What if we re-wrote the beauty standard?

These are all questions I intend to answer.
In the course of this journey that is Imperfect Pearls I have countless conversations with both men & women who inspire me to keep to this path. I love it!
This venture keeps me growing in the most positive direction & helps focus my thoughts & actions to become the best I can be.
Now, how cool is that?!

  • Education
    • Academy of Art College
    • Sonoma State University