Jack Turley

I have been a sales professional for almost 30 years. Some of that time has been as a reseller of products and services, some of that time has been as a manufacturer of products, and some of that time has been as a consultant to the customers of those products and services. It is as a consultant to the end-user that I learned my most valuable lessons – what the customer says when the salesman leaves the room. It was humbling and embarrassing to learn from these end-users all of the things that I had done wrong. But those painful lessons enabled me to dramaticaly increase my sales while at the same time becoming a trusted and valued advisor to my clients. Over the years I have honed a methodology of careful prospect qualification, price versus cost versus value education, ROI creation, and final presentation to the C-level. I have taught these skills around the world in as little as two frantic days and have also engaged sales teams in weeklong workshops using a lecture/lab format. I am presenting this coursework on this blog, in abbreviated format, so that you can learn in the small doses that come to those stuck in airport terminals, caffeinating themselves at Starbucks, or browsing their iPads between meetings.