Lorrianne Austerford

Nowhere and Everywhere

Name: Lorrianne Austerford

Nicknames: yuki | Lorri | MidnyteDyamond

Lorrianne is an aspiring authoress who treasures big dreams, even if they never come true. At the top of the list is her wish to be an internationally bestselling authoress. Further down are hopes to become a Faery or an Elf, live at Hogwarts, own a dragon and eat chocolate for breakfast every day. She began to read at the age of three, and loves reading, writing, ice-skating (however bad she is at it), manga and anime.

Lorrianne makes friends with difficulty. Severe difficulty. She can count all of her friends on one hand, has a somewhat multiple-personality disorder and often refers to herself in third person.

Lorrianne has a dislike (close to a phobia) of editing her own stories. However, she wouldn't mind if she edits someone else's story, provided that at least most of the spelling and grammar etc. were correct. She also has a severe hatred for poorly edited stories (grammar, spelling etc.), as they 'hurt my brain to read'.