ANGR Photography

Baltimore MD

"Write a short biography about yourself. Let your visitors know who you are." I love reading these types of instructions that push us to portray who we are in 500 words or less (perhaps more words, I really don't know what the cut-off is, so chances are, I'll write this long-ass diatribe and when I hit 'next' I'll get a message saying that my max was 200 words and I need to cut 3000 to make it work). ;) Let's give this a go anyway. Born in the place we've all come to know as "Gitmo" thanks to a handful of fanatics in 2001. I wonder how many people under the age of 25 know that it's actually called "Guantanamo Bay". Dad was in the Navy, and that's where I was born. Spent the rest of my formative years in Brazil, Spain and Belgium. I'm now approaching those years that are so fondly referred to as 'middle age'. Not quite sure I got here, but here I am. I am artistic but don't refer to myself as an artist. I draw, I paint and most of all, I photograph. The shutter-bug bit me about 6 years ago (funny how that coincides with when I started to be 'happy' with my life...) and I'm still feeling the effects of the bite. I do not consider myself a 'technical' photographer. Much of what I do is done by the 'seat of my pants'. Capturing emotion; whether it's from an animate or an inanimate object is where my passion lies. I invite you to view some of my work at: Leave me a comment, and tell me what you think! Cheers!