Patrick Tucker

Writer in Washington, DC

Patrick Tucker

Writer in Washington, DC

What you need to know,

I'm the science and technology editor for Defense One where I write about all the ways that emerging technology like AI, social media, and disinformation influence national security. I cover the battlefronts of Russia, the Middle East, Africa, China, and wherever humans are endeavoring toward democracy against autocracy.

I do regular media appearances on MSNBC, CNN, C-SPAN and other cable outlets internationally to offer analysis about the intersection of emerging technology and national security.

I hold a master’s degree in writing from Johns Hopkins.

I'm the author of The Naked Future: What Happens In A World That Anticipates Your Every Move (Current, 2014.)

Prior to that, I was deputy editor for The Futurist magazine and director of communications for the non profit World Future Society for nearly a decade. My writing has appeared in The Atlantic, Slate, Salon, , MIT Technology Review, and as part of Discovery channel broadcasts and special features.

literary awards:
Barry the Hannah Prize | Awarded for best short story | 2006
Eugene Walter Prize | Awarded for best novel | 2006
Summer Literary Seminars | Finalist in the program’s short story competition | 2006
One Story | Finalist in the literary magazine’s short story competition | 2004