Pensive Aspie
I'm Sherri Schultz (pen name Pensive Aspie). I'm a mother, a wife, a Christian, a supporter of equality, a nurse, a new knitter, a bibliophile, a fan of Sci-Fi but not a fanatic, and an Aspie.
As an Aspie (person with Asperger's), I blog because I feel my voice needs to be heard. I believe in advocacy. I'm tired of hearing about awareness. I want to hear about ACCEPTANCE.
My goal is to someday become a counselor/advisor to parents of children with Asperger's.
They aren't broke.
They aren't wrong.
They don't need to be fixed.
They need love, understanding and acceptance - just like any other child. It is my goal that I can continue to help parents see this. Different does not mean less than.