
_ in Chengdu, China

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Yan has been an experienced architectural designer. His work has largely focused on high-rise retail, residential mixed-use projects in Texas and other states in the United States.

Yan actively participates in various volunteer activities. For years he led architecture walking tours in Dallas, Texas, introducing and exploring unique features of museums, theaters, historic buildings and other landmark buildings.

In addition, Yan taught English as a volunteer at an ESL (English as a Second Language) school, helping Spanish-speaking immigrants from Mexico and other Latin American countries build and improve their English skills.

Yan also enjoys exploring other cultures and meeting people of diverse ethic and cultural backgrounds. He is currently learning Spanish and would like to travel to Spanish-speaking countries someday.

Healthy living and staying fit have also been a big part of Yan's life. He runs regularly and has completed multiple marathons.

Born and grew up in Chengdu, China, Yan holds a Bachelor of Architecture from Oklahoma State University, USA. He has recently relocated to his hometown.


Nací en Chengdu, China y actualmente vivo en Shenzhen. Soy licenciado en Arquitectura.

Hablo chino e inglés. Hace dos años que estudio español. Me gusta conocer a gente nueva y aprender de su cultura. He enseñado inglés a adultos hispanos en una escuela de ESL como un voluntario.

Me encanta correr también y he corrido muchos maratones.