Raymond Glass

Student, Teacher, and Life Coach in Duncan, Oklahoma

Read my blog


This is a new day! I am still very excited about what God has done in my life as well as others. Our purpose in life is to serve God. This service is a win win situation for those who will make Jesus Christ their Lord and Savior.

The challenges and rewards are greater than anything that you will ever experience. Jesus is with us through every experience. Not only is He there but He is helping us. I challenge you today to let Him be in charge of your life and obey Him! You can read more here: http://www.living-abundantly.org. God bless you.


One thing I know for sure is that I must daily, continuously present or surrender my body, by the mercies of God, a living sacrifice holy and acceptable unto God, which is my reasonable service. If I don't , then I will find myself conforming to thoughts and actions of sinners.

I once was dead in sin, but God delivered me. And now I am alive in Christ Jesus. When I was dead in sin, I was allowing the devil to run my life. Now that God has delivered me, I allow Him to run my life. My life is better than it has ever been. Oh yes, I still have struggles, but I know from where comes my help. My help comes from God.

Jesus Christ lives forever, and He intercedes on my behalf. Jesus is the way, the truth, and the life. No one can come to the Father but by Him (John 14:6). Let Him run your life. It will be the best decision you will ever make!

I want to also share this video with you.


  • Work
    • Pastor, Living Abundantly Church
  • Education
    • Attending the University of Jesus Christ and enjoying it!