Rick Coplin

Entrepreneur, Coach, and Author in Columbus, Ohio

Rick Coplin

Entrepreneur, Coach, and Author in Columbus, Ohio

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WHAT I DO: I advise executives in dynamic, rapidly growing companies (25 ~ 200 employees) as they transition from Founder to CEO.

WHY IT MATTERS: CEOs must transform from inward-focused, task-oriented founders as their company grows. He/She must become the visionary leader and mentor their team needs to spearhead increasing company prosperity. Absent this transformation, the company risks lower levels of success and possibly decline. Embracing the transformation enables the CEO, their team, and the organization to reach full potential.

HOW I DO IT: I utilize a PROVEN FRAMEWORK to provide confidential advising and coaching to CEOs and their leadership teams. We focus on persona, team and company development initiatives designed to free the CEO from an inward-facing task orientation and empower executives and team leaders with authority and responsibility to execute the CEO's clearly defined and communicated vision.

WHY IT WORKS: Freedom to focus on the larger picture of vision, company growth, opportunity identification, business relationships, and team development enables the CEO leading high-performance teams to accomplish significant goals.

WHY I'M QUALIFIED TO HELP YOU: I've hired, encouraged, guided, and fired. I've been intimately involved in forming, building, and leading teams. I've worked alongside leaders of global companies and mentored the visionaries of those just getting started. I've been hired, trained, upsized, rightsized, let go, and promoted. I haven't seen it all, but I've experienced enough to know I can leverage what I've learned for your benefit.