Personal Training4u

Personal training with Rolandas (Personal Training 4U) - no brainer - great results via hard work. Personal trainer Rolandas operates in East London, East North London, and West London. You will train with Rolandas at the top level personal training gyms and studios also the personal training can be arranged at your own place within London. Training at Personal Training 4U you will improve your health, fittness, lose weight, tone up and build your muscles, increase your strength and power.Being a personal trainer Rolandas Malinauskas is also a natural bodybuilder, and has been in the sport for over 15 years now. He is N.P.A. (Natural Physique Association) Mike Williams Classic 2011 Men's Lightweight Champion and N.P.A. British Championship 2011 Men's Lightweight Vice Champion (as a self trained athlete). Rolandas holds YMCA level 3 personal trainer certificate and a bodybuilding trainer certificate issued by Lithuanian Bodybuilding Federation (part of Internat ional Federation of Body Building - IFBB) which qualifies him to work with competitive level athletes. Weight management - personal training to change and/or maintain weight in particularly after a significant weight loss. Sports conditioning - personal training to advance your fitness levels at your sport. Body composition - physique improvement based personal training toning up muscles and overall body definition. Special populations - health related personal training to cope with sp ecific health conditions, injuries, post accidents and post surgeries.