
physical therapist, pilates teacher, and Feldenkrais teacher in Los Angeles, CA

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I am a Doctor of Physical Therapy, PMA Pilates certified and Guild certified Feldenkrais® Practitioner. I co-own a private practice in Century City, California (Century City PT).I have an extensive background with the foam rollers in the clinical setting, with sport enhancement and youth education and was one of the first to teach health and fitness professionals about their benefits and practical applications. I am the inventor of the Smartroller® and products, which are foam roller products developed to allow more people to benefit from using foam rollers creating SMART APPS for sensory motor learning. I have written articles on the foam roller for sport and therapeutic magazines and I have co-authored research on the Feldenkrais® Method in conjunction with Mt. St. Mary's graduate Physical Therapy program. Recently I authored a book published by optp, titled SMARTROLLER GUIDE TO OPTIMAL MOVEMENT. I love to blog about wellness, and throughout my career my passion has been to bridge the gap between the fitness and wellness communities and to make awareness part of people's lives in every day movement.

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