Dr.Shenita Etwaroo,Ph.D.

Author in New York

Dr.Shenita Etwaroo,Ph.D.

Author in New York

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Shenita is a passionate woman; passionate about her belief in a fair and just world for animals and human beings alike.That belief has become the driving force in her life as she seeks to promote awareness and action to ensure a better life for all.

Shenita's spirituality shines through in everything she does.Besides penning many hard-hitting articles that shine the spotlight on the cruelty, barbarism and injustice that still exists in the world today, she also tempers her approach through entertaining, but educational, stories and poems in order to reach out to a wider audience.

Over the years, Shenita has upgraded her activism from the written word to a more hands-on approach via animal rights and human rights organisations and groups.While her work takes her to the dark side of humanity and its callous and heartrending brutality, she advocates change through education and exposing the hidden realities of what goes on.

It was her love for animals which guided Shenita down the path of veganism, and it was her love for her bunny, Neo that helped her recognise her calling to become an animal advocate and activist.

Shenita is the voice that speaks for those who cannot: a totem for the weak, the oppressed and the vulnerable.