-Sierra Sugar-

America's highways

Sierra is a blogger and writer with journaling, copy, product review, event summary, creative writing, poetry, pros, and short story experience.

Over the past 10 years she has managed several personal blogs, Facebook writing pages, trucking industry groups and pages, and has been published in the Texas-based magazine "Bohemia". Recently, she has been brought on as a new writer for the industry-relavent blog, "Road Tested Living." And she has two completed children's short stories she hopes to have published.

She has a passion for trucking, tiny living, social media, and cooking. Other hobbies include photography, painting (watercolors), and zentangle art. Her mind is filled with random obscure trivia and pop culture tid bits. She loves history and all things geeky and gadgets. And if is cute and quirky, or remotely kitty related she will probably want it.

  • Work
    • Writer