Tania Derveaux

Belgium, Antwerpen

I am just a simple girl who loves the small things in life and who likes a challenge now and then.
I love people and connecting with them. I guess that is why I am so interested in social media, and why I studied Marketing.

The internet is full with awesome people, who are only one click away. How awesome is that?!

Untill recently I worked as a Tv-host presenting my own movieprogram, which totally rocked! Ever since I was a kid I loved movies, and having my own movieprogram and the chance to interview the people behind it all, was totally awesome! I also worked on a lot of marketing campaigns together with some friends of mine and I like to believe we made a difference by doing that. We fought for Net Neutrality, for more freedom of speech (NEE party) and spread awareness around suicide with our anti-suicide campaign. Internet FTW! ;)

Currently I'm making entertainment videos for my Youtube channel (youtube.com/Taniauncensored), am livestreaming for charity at twitch.tv/TaniaUncensored and am community manager for GamingForGood.net. On top of that I'm managing my own health blog which includes healhty glutenfree & dairyfree recipes and posts about meditation etc. at taniauncensored.wordpress.com .

Well... that's about I guess... You can find all the social media links below ;)


  • Education
    • Marketing Management