Teresa Joyce

Bristol England

Teresa Joyce

Bristol England

The subject of this book covers more than one issue; Memoir/Mental health system/ Abuse/Sexuality.

Teresa would find herself in a situation that she had no control over, and in the grip of a complete madman. To follow there would be self mutilation on his part, and the bartering of shot guns as if it were an everyday occurrence. The threat to life was very real. She would spend many years within the mental health care system; in fact she is still under that care umbrella. She would move from a heterosexual relationship and into a lesbian relationship. Totally at a loss of understanding anything controlled by anyone male. She was made to stare into the face of so many things she had tried so very hard to bury. But I guess that was a little naive of her, muck will always rise to the surface at some point. The lid on Pandora’s Box was opening an inch at a time, and no matter how hard she pushed, she was never able to close it again. People would be hurt both physically and mentally. No one was safe if they stood in the way of her stepfather and what he claimed was his. He told her that no one would get hurt..... I guess that’s the day that she became no one. It’s a story that resembles hell and it was her life for many years. As such she is well equipped with everything she needs, to help you relate to the madness which ensued. Although this has been extremely difficult for her to write, her hope is that someone out there may take some strength from it, if finding themselves in a similar situation. There is always a light at the end of the tunnel; all we have to do is reach out for it. She understands that this book/memoir is just a little different to most other memoirs i.e. most are written by ghost writers. This was something she never even considered. To her mind she had to be the one to write this. She hoped and needed to be able to express her feelings within its pages, as no other person could. With the best outcome being, that you would feel like you were taking this journey with her. Strangely she feels an amount of support, at being able to think that you are out there. There is a fine line between sanity and insanity; she knows this personally, through the experiences she has had to go through involving her stepfather. She also has a personal insight of her own, of a mind battling to stay on the right side of that line.

  • Work
    • retired author