Terree Rola

Content Creating & Curating and Social Media Manager in California

Read my blog

I curate social media content for food-focused and budget-conscious people, by sharing culinary news, deals, events & recipes via daily posts on Ms_Terree on Twitter, Gonzo Gourmands Facebook Page, & my Frugal Foodie Daily Newsletter.

I have served 2 years as a World Food Championships Judge alongside respected notables American Culinary Federation President Thomas Macrina, James Beard Award-winning food writer & Grub Street founder Josh Ozersky, and Food Network Iron Chef America Judge Simon Majumdar. I've also served as a Culinary Enthusiast member of Chefs de Cuisine Association of San Diego and a KCBS Certified Competition BBQ Judge.

If you're a small business owner, family restaurant, catering, or a food-related business, and intimidated by Social Media Marketing, let me help you! I specialize in helping beginners with affordable options to get you started! Please feel free to message me on Facebook, or email me at Ms.Terree@yahoo.com

  • Work
    • Content Curating/Community Mgr
  • Education
    • B.S. in Health Science, Major: Health Administration