Terry Ward

Media Executive in Seattle, Washington

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Nov. 8, 1971, was a day that changed the course of my life forever. My dad was married, had a 7-year-old son, two daughters — ages 5 and 3 — and his young wife was pregnant with their fourth child. That day he made a decision that would ultimately impact his entire family for the rest of our lives.

After a period of drinking to the point of becoming inebriated, he let a relative — who also had been drinking — drive his car as he rode along as a passenger. As they were traveling down a two-lane road in Tulsa, Okla., the driver lost control of the vehicle, veered off the road and hit a tree. The impact instantly killed my dad. This accident happened exactly six months … to the day before I was born and changed my life before I ever entered the world.

My mom was devastated for years. The emotional toll it took on her is something she still has never fully overcome. This one life-altering event led to a series of other events that created a pretty unstable environment as I grew up. My mom was gone quite a bit looking for work, leaving us four children at home to take care of ourselves. When she did find work we would abruptly move from where we were living and relocate to another town, changing schools, leaving behind our friends for the prospect of a better life. We moved so often that I attended dozens of different schools from kindergarten through the 12th grade.

I spent the majority of my childhood living like this. We were homeless at times, living in state parks in western states just trying to survive. Often work, once it was found, was a family affair. We were migrant workers, picking fruits and vegetables in horrible working conditions to make ends meet.

Needless to say, growing up without a dad was difficult.

As my life has progressed, I have gone from a child with no dad to a dad with many children. I am blessed to be the dad to eight children ranging from a 30-year-old to an nine-year-old.

Throughout my career I have worked extensively in the media industry. I have served many local communities as a reporter, editor, advertising director, director of sales & digital advertising, newspaper publisher, regional publisher, vice president of sales, digital & marketing, Chief Operating Officer, and Chief Executive Officer. Currently, I am the CEO & Co-Owner of Ward Media LLC in North Central Washington.