Magic Eye

Hack Rutgers

We believe that artists shouldn’t have to worry about technical engineering problems, so that they can focus on expressing their creativity. Hollywood is constantly searching for the newest, most fascinating technologies to sell their films. Young Rival's viral music video Black is Good was perhaps the first to push the boundaries of traditional film medium.

This group completely revolutionized autosterography, but their process was incredibly tedious. As a result, we created an innovative piece of software that allows filmmakers to create autostereographic videos using Kinect within minutes (rather than the month it took the Young Rival).

This software allows filmmakers to develop on a brand new platform, just like Raspberry Pi allows developers to develop on innovative platforms. We believe that everyone should be able to create art, regardless of their technical ability. Help us make this vision into a reality.


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Developed using Java, Java Swing, Microsoft Kinect, CSS, Processing, Netbeans, XML, GitHub, OpenAutoStereograph, Xuggler at HackRU.