Gavin Wilson

Devon, UK

Gavin Wilson

Devon, UK

Gavin Wilson is a purveyor of stories; most short, some longer and some simply odd.

Recently given an Honourable Mention on the L Ron Hubbard Writers of the Future website, he has also had short pieces inlcuded in various magazines / and compilations including Spinetinglers, Five Stop Story and Sanitarium Magazine to name a few.

He is also a Featured Writer and member of staff on Wattpad where he has honed his skills over several years of repeatedly beating his head against a keyboard.

A keen reader he loves all things Science Fiction and Fantasy and happily paddles in Horror, Paranormal, Historical Fiction, Steampunk, Dieselpunk and other odd little worlds.

You can find him here -

Here -

and here -

and probably elsewhere too...

  • Work
    • Wattpad Community Evanghelist
  • Education
    • Yes, everything from Tarmac Laying to Geology