The Upstarts
The Upstarts! is an over the top animated sitcom about an up an coming animation company set in Trinidad and Tobago. When the last boss has a mental breakdown, Phil Broker is called in to deal with the unexpected misadventures of the crazy team of animators and keep the company afloat.
Episode in Production:
Nick, an illustrator in the company, gets some bad feedback from a client claiming he was over-creative. The resulting mental breakdown causes a vortex to open up from within Nick's jacket that threatens to take everything into it! It's up to Phil, the new boss, to lead the team into the twist parallel world of Nick's imagination before Nick’s creativity destroys the world.
Target audience: 13-18 year olds
About the Producers:
The Film is being written, directed and animated by Lab 206,a team made up of 7 graduates from the University of Trinidad and Tobago. They have been in the industry for less than a year and have already made significant strides within the local industry. This includes producing work for two local, top musical acts and working alongside several top advertising agencies in Trinidad and Tobago. With THE UPSTARTS pilot project, they are purusring their true, main goal of creating in-house studio content.