Abhilash MB

Syracuse NY

Second year graduate student of Information Management at the iSchool, Syracuse University

Bachelors in Computer Science and Engineering from Amrita University, Bangalore

What I Do

I like building things to solve problems.

I expertise in software development and maintanance with experience in Warehouse Management and Order Management and Fulfillment applications. I am looking to learn from new experiences and in developing skills to handle more project management responsibilities. More on my LinkedIn profile !

More Things I Like

I am interested in Music, Home Recording, Design, DIY, Tour Biking, Sci Fi PC Games and South Indian Cuisine.

I dream of a weeklong biking expedition to a new land like Sweden for the tech conference of the year on emerging technologies followed by Value release of HL3 and then a valley side concert of Iron Maiden and maybe a great band I haven't yet heard.

  • Work
    • EY, USA
  • Education
    • Masters in Information Management
    • Bachelors in Computer Science and Engineering