Ahmed Megii

Ahmed AbdelMageed graduated in 2011 from the Akbhar el Yom Academy in Giza, Cairo, with a degree in computer science. While he was studying at the university, he volunteered for Microsoft Egypt. His passion for information technology solutions and his desire to help people led him to join Microsoft Student Partners (MSP), an educational program that works to help students improve their employability through training in skills such as using Microsoft technologies. At the beginning of his university experience, AbdelMageed was committed to social development projects that brought together his passion for technology solutions and his desire to help his community. As an MSP he took part in the Imagine Cup initiative, which he describes as a turning point in his life. In September 2012 AbdelMageed started as a leader of the Egypt Application Factory program, managing a group of 15 young people. The Application Factory program goals are to develop information technology solutions that help solve problems in society, to empower young people, and to help nongovernmental organizations use technology to advance social development and solve health and environmental problems. Community solutions developed by the Application Factory include Women Whisper, which connects women so that they can discuss issues; Donate, an app that assembles information about local nongovernmental organizations for the public; and Blood Banking, which matches blood needs with the blood types of donors to help solve the issue of scarce blood reserves in Egypt. Some of these initiatives now rank AbdelMageed’s managed project as one of the top free applications for health and fitness worldwide on the Windows 8 store.