Alan Lubnow

Portability Director and Project Engineer in Michigan

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I currently work for a communications company as a Project Engineer. We specialize in wireless broadband solutions. My experience in mechanical and electrical engineering translate wonderfully to this industry. My past experience includes pneumatic engineering, computer-aided drafting, fabrication, technical writing with Visio, and more.

In the fall of 2014, I launched a computer ministry at The Eastside Vineyard Church. We refurbish computers for less fortunate families. It is very much an educational focus, no child should be left behind and hardworking people should still have an opportunity to further their education and skills. So far we have given away more than 30 computers and hope to increase that number each year. You can check out the TEVC Computer Pantry at the link below.

On a part-time basis, I act as the Portability Director for a portable church; The Eastside Vineyard Church in Shelby Township, Michigan. In this role I oversee the process of transforming a local school into a church, then back again on Sunday mornings.

In my very infrequent spare time, I design and build my own things on the side. Furniture, custom parts for bicycles and motorcycles, office equipment, etc. Tinkering, repairing, and refurbishing are my main hobbies. If I can take it apart, I can most likely fix it.

For what I'm currently up to and to see my photography work, check the social media links below.

  • Work
    • Trendset Communications Group