Alberane Lúcio Thiago da Cunha

Professor, Web Developer, and Luthier Apprentice in Varginha - Minas Gerais, Brasil

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I am a professor, and web developer currently living in Varginha, State of Minas Gerais, Brazil. My interests range from PHP to DigitalTV (SBTVD), Games and Luteria. I'm also interested in terms like: agile team, scrum, game development, music, and technology of general mode.

$ ls -hlv ./alberane*

Adjunct coordinator of the Bachelor's Degree in Computer Science, Bachelor's Degree in Information Systems and CST in Systems Analysis and Development of the Unis Group.

Coordinator of e-learning Courses of Games Development , Information Systems and Analysis and Development of Systems of the Unis Group.

Master's student in Software Engineering. Postgraduate in Systems Engineering and Graduate in Information Technology with experience in web development project management.

Experience in web-based enterprise software development. Developer of solutions for municipal public management such as Online Auction, Management of Public Accounts.

Experience in Technologies, Frameworks and Methodologies: PHP, Zend, Usability, MSSQL, MySQL, Postgres, XP, SCRUM, TDD, POO, Web2.0, PHPUnit, Git, Subversion, Continuous Integration, CakePHP, Selenium, JQuery, Ajax, Python, Moon, GoLang, among others.

AWS Certified - CLF-C01

Mentor of development teams.

Responsible for the implementation of agile development models in the last two projects.

Great experience as an educator in undergraduate courses in computer science and systems analysis.

Luthier's Apprentice.

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  • Work
    • Grupo Educaional Unis - EaD
  • Education
    • Grupo Unis - Fepesmig
    • UneAtlantico - Santander/Espanha