Alessandro Mambelli

Engineer and Explorer in Yerevan, Armenia

My first one-way trip deeply transformed the way I looked at travelling and life. Getting lost is now my favourite approach to exploring, and ultimately discovering, things both inside and outside myself. Uncertainty revealed itself as a beautiful source of opportunity to be embraced and challenged, comfort, a sedative for growth and all things extraordinary. Ever since that first one-way trip away from home, I've had the privilege to live many lives, and call many places home.

Engineer by training, teacher in service, entrepreneur by chance, I am genuinely trying to define my life according to what "I care about" and what "I want to leave behind". That currently translates into building a family and also exploring the Lesser Caucasus mountain range, creating the first transnational hiking route connecting Armenia and Georgia. Secretly dreaming to inspire others to explore themselves and the world around them along the way.

Never really alone, through my journeys I've met all kinds of inspiring people, most of them riding on some sort of edge. "Why be normal?" they seem to say. I share my path with an amazing wife and an incredible extended family spread all around the world. They support me always, and I could never express enough gratitude to show what they deeply mean to me.

To all of us I wish a momentous life. Buona Strada, Բարի Ճանապարհ

  • Work
    • The Transcaucasian Expedition
  • Education
    • King's College London
    • Università Degli Studi Di Firenze