Alexius Aditya

Gaming, Writing, Reading, Swimming, Running in Earth

I love to learn anything new. I like listening to music, sharing ideas, and reading; especially comics, fiction novels. I actively use multiple social networking, like Twitter and Facebook.

A proudly Apple fanboy. I may a little bit geeky about Apple stuff or anything about gadget really—mechanical keyboards, headphones, earphones.

I like hunting for deals, coupons or some sort about apps, music, movies, games—digital copies; like game coupons, discounting apps, and old books.

As a gamer, I play a lot of games but for now, The Sims, Grand Theft Auto and Counter-Strike would be my top three. You can find me on Steam under the same name as my Twitter profile. I play mostly on weekends and sometimes weekday if I have the time.

I am currently writing any video games related articles for MakeMac. On my spare time, I do running and swimming, or sometimes write about my life or anything that I interested in on Medium.

Reach me at hi.alexius (at)

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