

Bi. Jesus Freak. Unique as hell. Free Spirit. Oh, PS: God is love.

My name is Amber and I am 23 years young. I currently go to college and I plan to get my associates degree in Early Education. My goal with that is to change education as we know it. I believe we need a education revolution and need to come up with a better way to teach children.

I am also a writer. I plan to sing and do theatre later on in life. It is hard to explain who I are just going to have to get to know me. I am pretty much goofy and immature at times, but also act like a "mother" so to speak. I love the ocean, the beach, and listening to music. I am honestly really unique and I love a lot of things. I have plenty of dreams. One of them to make a difference in this world.

Likes: the ocean, swimming, writing, reading, spending time with God, shopping, etc.

Dislikes: hatred, bigotry, racism, etc.


  • Education
    • Going to College to get an associates degree in Early Education