Yahia Ameir

Kuwait City

Nihao .... Annyeong ..... Salam ...... Bonjour ..... Hola,

Im here to make the internet a better place, by following the variety of ethics. I currently attend the higher level of education that is the American School of Kuwait. I have a vast amount of experience having lived in both North America, and Asia, in several diffrent countries, which just increases my likelihood of knowledge and embracement of culture. The real reason I am here is to inform you about this→ http://thatfootballblogg.wordpress.com/ ← ....

This is my blog, its about football, or soccer if you prefer. I dont need to spend much time informing you about the blog when you can just go check it out! We will ineract via the blog if you choose to check it out that is. Anyways thats all for now, so ... ENJOY!

  • Work
    • Entrepreneur
  • Education
    • Higher Education