AMhye' Wisely


Location Makassar, Sulawesi selatan, Indonesia
BEM FH-UH 2012-2013

Like Adventure, berpenampilan apa adanya, simple, terobsesi dengan hal-hal baru,,,,,

"Hidup tanpa Harapan = MATI"
Interests >> Olahraga, adventure, dengar music, nongkrong, dll
Favorite Movies >> In time, mission impossible, pokoknya film action, west/asia, dan animation
Favorite Music >> Pop rock, POP, mellow, yang penting bisa bikin happy
Favorite Books >> The secret, all about psikologi and Law

  • Work
    • BEM Fakultas Hukum Universitas Hasanuddin
  • Education
    • S1 Ilmu Hukum