Ana Karmela Amante

Lives in Jesus Christ's Heart

Ana Karmela Amante

Lives in Jesus Christ's Heart

I am a frustrated dancer! But, when my life shower me with storms, I know how to dance with it! Putting into the beat my not-so-good steps, I can:

► play the moments with the smile on my face, ▌▌ pause the memories that I will always cherish, ■ stop the pain that pushing me down, and ◄◄ rewind the happiness that this life continuously give me.

Frankly, I am frustated about few things as well. I am a:

frustrated singer and dancer

frustrated painter and graphic artist

frustrated astronomer..

But I am happy with the way God created me. I might be the most talentLESS girl in the world, but I am blessed in so many ways --- and that's what matter the most. :)

My online world:

Twitter: @AKamante14

Facebook: /AKamante14
