Ana Luisa

Lisbon, Portugal

There would never be a job in the world that could fulfill me completely than the one I'd create to myself. I am an exceptionally motivated self-starter and creative problem-solver who works hard and loves a challenge.

Things you should know that I have done, or still do...

- I am the founder of Starling Film in Lisbon, an artistic and romantic film and photography corner;

- I have worked with video for big brands since I've started on this field, such as L'ORÈAL, Pepsi, Porto Editora, LG, BASF, CGD, TMN and dream of adding some more clients to my list;

- I am the author of the viral video "Só de mim";

- I teach Communication Techniques to 10th grade students in Lisbon;

- And I am a full-time lyfestile and inspirational blogger at Doce para o meu Doce (Sweet for my Sweet).

Things you should know that I dream of doing...

- Have my own international Pastry Shop;

- Take a trip around the world before 30, to learn how to make all those international pastries;

- Be the world's greatest grandma!

Other things you should know about me:

I love creative projects, I am a compulsive tea drinker and mother of two cats.