Abhishek Anchliya

Filmmaker, Engineer in Houston, Texas, United States

Abhishek Anchliya

Filmmaker, Engineer in Houston, Texas, United States

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I am a filmmaker and an engineer. I've lived, worked and traveled through multiple countries.

I am a curious human with a passion for travel and stories. I surf more internet than average human and buy more books than I could ever read! In recent years, I am starting to see life in a very different light. Life, I want to mould it, mess with it, fight, lose, win, fall, get up, stumble, experience, try, quit, give in, give up, accomplish....succeed or fail but enjoy living it, loving it! Rumi said 'You were born with wings, why prefer to crawl through life?' -couldn't agree more. I have an intense desire to travel every country on the planet, create things that I am proud of, build a business that help others, climb highest mountains,make films with soul, write a book and live in multiple countries.

You can find my work at- vimeo.com/whereisabhi

I also help run a small sanitation and clean water non-profit. You can check our work at - www.sanitationforall.org