Andrea Dickerson
Andrea Dickerson, founder of Daycare Success, teaches childcare business owners, directors and administrators how to create a profitable and thriving childcare business. She does this by creating and implementing a simple, but effective, Childcare Operation and Marketing Action Plan. Mrs. Dickerson utilized the same action steps and has discovered ways to assist you in fulfilling your business goals; essentially, preparing you to operate a successful childcare business.
Inspiring, equipping, coaching and imparting her wisdom and skills are the heart-beat of this dynamic entrepreneur's gift to each aspiring business owner. Through her influential, power-packed Live Speaking Events, Video Home Study Programs, Virtual Training Workshops, E-books, Audio files, Blogs/Articles and Newsletters, you will be motivated to begin your journey to business ownership today.
Every aspiring business owner will benefit from her professional coaching skills. Each participant will receive the tools and solutions needed to improve the way they conduct business. She is motivated and dedicated to your success. So don't delay. Allow Andrea Dickerson to guide you on your path to becoming your own business success story. "Like" me on Facebook@!/IOwnADaycare "Tweet" me on Twitter@!/DaycareSuccess