Angelique X Stacy

Portland, Oregon, United States

A spiritual and concientious artist, musician and performer.

Leathercraft, Jewelry, Comissions:

Memento Mori Portrait Artist - combining remains or effects of the subject to create a truly unique portrait for the client to honour their loved one. Portraits by commission.

Tattooist since 1991.

Theremin player for The Wazzoo Sound and for hire.


Vocalist for "T&A (Traci & Angel)" Bluegrass/Country band, Venus Bleeding & Charm School Dropouts

Drummer Down & Out Duo & Shadow Circus Vaudeville Theatre

Contributor to "Faces of the Goddess" Magazine: pen & ink watercolours of the Orishas

Felted Creatures: owls n squids mostly..

In progress: "Whispers from the Spirit World", a blog on personal Paranormal experiences , "Possibility Portal" a blog on Louisville, Kentucky and its Steam Punk proclivity.

Hand and rod and marionette puppeteer and builder.

Member of the Modifed Dolls Kentucky Chapter "Victorian Doll"

  • Work
    • Tour Guide Old Louisville Historic Neighbourhood