Annie Stow

Boston, MA

Annie Stow

Boston, MA

Annie Stow is a wife, mom to Emily (8), Aidan (5), Owen (3) and Andrew (7 months). She is also an elementary reading specialist in her hometown of Foxborough, MA.

Annie is an online influencer, youtuber, spokesperson, brand advocate and vlogger at (since 2005) Annie has appeared in numerous television commercials with New England Chevy Dealers and has been featured on the FOX NEWS Morning Show with Kim Carrigan (Boston). She is the Ask A Mom Expert for Great Wolf Lodge New England and a lover of travel and photography. Annie loves to share her wit, creativity and charisma with both her on and off-line communities. Her most recent work has included partnerships with Chevrolet, Isis Parenting and Minute Clinic.

Twitter: @anniestow

Email: [email protected]


  • Work
    • Education
  • Education
    • Boston University
    • Lesley University