Anshoo Sethi

Anshoo Sethi works toward creating a greener future. As the CEO of contracting firm UPGROWTH, the Chicago resident applies nearly 15 years of property development and finance expertise to spearheading large-scale commercial construction projects, many of them hotels and resorts. In his executive capacity, Anshoo Sethi strives to fuse sustainable innovation and design into each of his company’s undertakings. Since joining the family business, Anshoo Sethi has steered UPGROWTH in a new direction, from strictly a construction company to a firm with interests in equity investing and asset managing, as well. He particularly shines in the property development business, possessing strong expertise in the acquisition, financing, and improvement of homes, stores, hospitals, schools, and hospitality complexes. Under Anshoo Sethi, UPGROWTH has witnessed significant growth in its client base and service provisions, largely because of the CEO’s focus on pioneering designs, environmental consciousness, and unsurpassed service. To date, Anshoo Sethi and UPGROWTH have taken on dozens of corporate projects, including the construction of hotels for all the major hotel brands. In each of these projects and others, Anshoo Sethi and his team at UPGROWTH implemented strict green practices, including the recycling and reuse of 75 percent of debris on average, and building to the U.S. Green Building Council’s Leadership in Energy and Environmental Design (LEED) standards wherever possible. Other sustainable initiatives undertaken by Anshoo Sethi and his colleagues at UPGROWTH include the use of 40 percent recycled-content office supplies, the implementation of a large-scale companywide recycling program, and the diversion of outdated or unneeded electronics to e-recycling firms. Through these and other practices, Anshoo Sethi seeks to set a corporate example on the importance of sustainable efforts in the business world.