Mike Tekh Strode

Dancer, Consultant, and Technology Strategist in Chicago, Illinois

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Through writing, I am grappling with the boundaries of my own ideals and seeking to touch the substance of life. I am pushing past my own lethargy in order to bring reality to thoughtful optimism. I am seeking to understand my own importance as an impetus for initiating transformation in the world.

I am understanding myself as a gift worthwhile to give to all causes which I deem worthy. I am in love with my mission and committed to causing others through this discourse on ideas to come to love their own. Together will we reconstruct the world into something even more extraordinary than the one that exists today. We will rebuild the human community one idea at a time.

The AOMuse is the literary alter ego of declassified double agent Michael Strode who finds ease and pleasure in reviewing books, writing poetry, increasing the humanity of the world through artistic and literary engagement and debriefing the political zeitgeist of the present era.

At the Literate Epoch, you will find these mental meanderings and episodic leave behinds. You may even grow to enjoy them. If you find this to be the case, leave a thought behind of your own. Let us build a bridge of dialogue together.

I am writing. I AM writing. Unable to distinguish my self from the substance leaking from the rolling contour of my ball point. I am language longing for certainty in subject and sentiment; this sentient being discontent with seeing this uncertain world circulating around itself. I am writing again.

  • Work
    • Black Oaks Center For Sustainable Renewable Living
  • Education
    • DeVry University