Apostle KC Sparks

Evangelist, author, student, television host, and philanthropist all describe Apostle K.C. Sparks of Chicago, Illinois. As an evangelist, he travels the world to speak at his own ministries and others. He has appeared in front of crowds of 50,000 to spread his message and provide spiritual guidance to followers. From the age of 12, when he delivered his first sermon, Apostle K.C. Sparks knew his calling would be in the church. At 18, he became an elder at the Dallas, Texas, Church of God in Christ. Over the years, he has helped many individuals gain clarity into their circumstances and experience, and change their lives. Apostle K.C. Sparks considers the founder of the From Bondage to Freedom Interdenominational Church, Apostle Cornell Hamilton, as his “spiritual covering.”

As an author, Apostle K.C. Sparks eagerly anticipates the release of two books, Married to an Assignment and Spiritual Deception. In 2012, he plans to release Pure Worship, a musical CD. As a television host, he will debut his new program on the Word Network in the fall, entitled This is Your Day of Deliverance!, which will air in more than 200 countries and reach almost 60 million homes. Apostle K.C. Sparks currently seeks to obtain his Doctor of Divinity from the Jacksonville Theological Seminary.

Philanthropy has always been important to Apostle K.C. Sparks, and he serves both his community and to the world through his charitable work and contributions. In Nigeria, he has helped tremendously with food distribution programs that reach both big cities and villages to provide them with staples such as rice, wheat, and maize. He has also provided schoolchildren with supplies, as well as donated necessary medical supplies to hospitals. Through his ministries, Apostle K.C. Sparks has helped numerous people along the Ivory Coast, Liberia, Ghana, and the Togolese Republic, where he has also contributed tremendously to providing citizens with fresh, clean water by digging new wells and rehabilitating old ones. Locally, his International Deliverance Temple, Inc., aids food distribution centers in the Greater Chicago Food Depository system by feeding 1,000 families with children each month. A staunch supporter of programs to aid underserved children, Apostle K.C. Sparks plans to expand his organization’s participation in food distribution in Chicago in 2012.