Sarah Ennett
I am a girly, gadget-loving, gamer geek. I love my family, sparkles, sci-fi, rainbows, fairies, festivals and fantasy. Aside from working hard, messing around online, reading, listening to music, playing videogames and watching films I mostly spend my time being happy xxx
I have over 25 years of telecommunications experience, across HR, Product Management, ISP Operations, Head of Retail Operations, Business Development, Sales Management… moving from general internet, into mobile internet and then for the last decade I've specialised in IoT. i'm now contracting for Government and hoping to make a difference advocating for fair and equitable tech solutions to make our world a better place.
I'm fascinated and curious about the concept of ikigai and how that can help us in various facets of life.
One day in the not too distant future I will live in a field in a tiny house (or a cob house or a yurt or a hobbit hole or maybe on a boat or in a van...) and be the minimalist and happy hippy that is striving to develop... I wish for you to be loved and happy and healthy as that is all that matters xxx