Scott Holmes

Musician, Photographer, and Artist in Watson, Mo

Scott Holmes

Musician, Photographer, and Artist in Watson, Mo

I love the outdoors, started taking photos of wildlife early on. Slowly transistioned into other photography as the years went on. I now do photography as a side business and love it.

I was in an original rock band for almost 12 years. I love writing music and playing guitar. Music has been a large part of my life, I attended college for music and have a Music Marketing degree. I now play in an acoustic duo with Nicole Salmond.

I read lots of fantasy and sci-fi novels and love to learn new things from any kind of book.

I have always liked drawing. I use to sit and draw at my grandparents feet on Sundays from the Sunday comic strips. I've done lots of cartoons for people at the many factory jobs I've had, usually pertaining to something funny that happened to them on the job. I did a comic strip for the college paper most the years I was attending. I now do custom artwork/logos for companies/people and caricatures for events occasionally.

I'm a quiet person mostly, however, I will talk your ear off on one of my hobbies or geeky topics. Love movies and music, and love talking about that.

I'm a country boy more or less, love going bowhunting with Dad or just walking around the bluffs with my camera. I love being with my family, hanging out with my parents and sis. I enjoy helping with the family watermelon patch.

I am a Christian, I try to live my life following those teachings. It's by no means an easy path, I stumble a lot. I have been told that I'm all or nothing kind of person, still processing that one, think they may be right, but I'm just trying to decide if it's a bad thing or not. I don't like to waste time, so maybe it can be a good thing. I tend to be logical and practical, which is weird for an artist or creatively challenged person. :)

I'm a fan of Bruce Lee, and martial arts in general. Samurai have fascinated me for awhile. I have a collection of swords and other martial arts weapons. Love the code of honor and skill level (discipline) - mental and physical that they represent.

I don't take myself too seriously, I have a lot of fun being a goof sometimes, it's my way of decompressing I suppose.

  • Work
    • Scott Holmes Photography
  • Education
    • Peru State College